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PhD scholarship in integrated blue optical phased array on thin-film lithium niobate platform for underwater optical communication - DTU Electro

DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

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Posted on: July 10, 2024

Job Description

We are seeking a candidate for a PhD position to research integrated blue optical phased array (OPA) on thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) platform, which can enable solid-state optical beam steering and will be used for the next-generation photonic chip-based UOWC system. This PhD project aims at developing an integrated OPA on TFLN platform at blue light (~450 nm) wavelength band for UOWC systems. You will first design an OPA on TFLN platform at blue-light wavelength. The designed blue OPA will then be fabricated using our advanced cleanroom facilities at DTU Nanolabs and characterized using our state-of-the-art lab facilities.